This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
eagle in flight
ISO 400 1/1000 260mm f7.1
Wow! Great wildlife shot Della
Great shot Della.
From a short walk in Carburn Park.
1/200s, f7.1, ISO 640
Edited in LR. Sharpened in Topaz Photo AI
Love the humor in this shot Paul. Is this one animal looking back at you or two animals? Great Depth of Field control.
Just the butt end of one deer with head looking back.
A couple of sessions ago I mentioned enjoying going out late at night with my camera, particularly at spots typically crowded during the day. Here are two photos of St Peter’s square in Rome shot just after midnight. Both at 1/5 sec.; F/5; ISO 800
…and the second, is a portion of the the left colonnades (as one looks toward the square) of Bernini’s arms or embrace. Initially I was a tad annoyed I was forced to shoot only part of it. Just beyond the edge of the photo the rest of the colonnades are wrapped in plastic sheeting for restoration. Sometimes an hindrance turns to be a blessing. Once I saw the photo I decided it is a better shot than the one I had planned.
U of C Athlete Sculpture. Modified depth of field in photoshop
The 40 m waterfall in Singapore airport.
Taken with an iphone
Easter Island – quarry where the statues were carved.
Taken with my iphone
A different “abstract” approach to architecture, by tilting and cropping to get a diagonal and two different reflections on either side of the diagonal. Used levels and contrast to dramatize the image.
Very dynamic!
I don’t usually do a lot of bird action shots, but just as I pressed the shutter, these Common Goldeneyes took off. Taken at Inglewood. Cropped only. Shot in AP: F8, S1/5000, ISO 2500, FL 400, Auto WB, Matrix Metering.
Intricate plaster work in the always wonderful Alhambra
Medieval architecture in Portugal’s interior
Osprey. ISO 100, f/9, 1/400.
Correction, this is an immature bald eagle, not an osprey.
Ruffed Grouse. ISO 3200, f/9, 1/400.
Strange looking high rise in Vancouver, close to my daughter’s house. Don’t think I would want to live in a building that is that shaped in an earthquake zone. Taken with my 18-55 mm lens at f/22, 1/20 sec, ISO 250
Like the old combined with new in this picture of the Bell Studio and King Eddy. Taken with my 18-55 mm lens at f/9, 1/160 sec, ISO 250
Two different trips and pictures the first is from our 2013 trip to Paris this was taken out of our apartment window, the building was built in 1866 so we could be looking out at that time now.
This other picture is from a ghost town tour I did in Fall of 2016 I went to SE Alberta and Western Sask. This is the water tower in New Brigden.
We really do have some amazing architecture in downtown Calgary. This was taken from the top of the steps by the SAIT parkade. The Chinook arch cloud formation gave another layer to the sky.