This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
an ? Anna hummingbird from SF , ISO 5000 f4.5 1/125 72mm I was pleased to get this image as my camera was quite small
Brilliant, colorful feathers. How close were you? Did the camera have a zoom feature?
I was about 5 feet from the bird. It has a zoom feature. I used the burst mode.
Experiment with Rembrant Lighting.
Here is a more finished product along the same line. I used a black curtain as a backdrop and a 5600 K (cool light) floodlight at low intensity to get more detail on the fur outside the light cone emanating from the box. Editied in Photoshop 2025 with a sparkle brush.
Here is an AI generated background with the photo above blended in. I had to go through a number of “high angle darkened roomes with christmas tree” AI generations to get the right angle.
I called this image “endangered species” Since the 2 people who volunteered to be my subjects are both born raised and never left Calgary. Very rare these days I’m told.
I thought it met festive but not particularly holiday cheer so I opted it here.
Shot with iPhone 6 and cropped and colour adjusted in Apple preview.
Resolution of 72 x 72 so lost a lot when reduced size to conform with web site standards
of images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
It appears to be fine to view with these requirements.
Great shot Bill. Love the theme of red hat and matching gloves. Elements of three make a good composition. Nicely cropped around the subjects.
House finch. ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/320.
We had guests from Australia over Christmas and nothing would do but to go out birding one day and look for Snowy Owls. They were excited by the snow and the birds. The last bird we saw was by Langdon – finally a female Snowy who was quite far away. Settings: Focal Length 600mm, F 6.3, S 1/1000, ISO 100, WB Auto, Metering Matrix, Cropped and Sharpened with Topaz AI.
The Thinker at the Calgary zoo
A green jay (?) from the Calgary zoo
f/6.3, 1/200, iso 8000
With both grandsons playing hockey, I am at the rink a lot, and getting many opportunities to try out sports photography. Grandson on the right.
1/1600s, f2.8, ISO 1600
Focal length 200mm
Denoised and edited in LR; reset white balance, cropped and straightened.
Because they are moving fast, I tend to overshoot and then crop in.
During the Christmas holidays, we managed to travel and see our 6 year old grandson play hockey at 7 am. (Nothing like first on the ice)! This was the first time shooting with the 90 d in an arena. I used the kid’s motion setting. This was F5, 1/500 sec !S) 1250 with my 300 lens. I did “try” editing in Lightroom, crop, white balance and then worked on removing the background and the netting shadows. I tried to keep the shadow of the foot for more depth to the scene. Is this editing too much? I posted the original in the reply.
This is the original. Still trying to figure out what looks best in editing. Any comments appreciated.
Both of my grandsons are playing hockey this year – U9 and U7. Since they started I have taken about 5000 photos. Here are some suggestions although I am still figuring this out.
1. I wouldn’t edit out the background in the picture. They are on the ice and showing parts of the rink is appropriate.
2. Open your lens aperture as much as possible. Depth of field won’t matter at the distance you are. I also use burst mode. ISO for me is in the range of 1600 – 2000. My 70-200mm f2.8 lens is giving the best results.
3. If they are moving you need a shutter speed >1000
4. Go to ice level and shoot through the glass rather than through the mesh.
5. Denoise and correct the white balance. Use the eye dropper and set the ice as white. Crop in to fill the frame.
6. Set the horizon with the closest rink boards.
7. Your grandson needs a hockey stick in his hand.
a happy heron at Heron lake SF ISO 500 f7.1 1/200 72mm
Red Breasted Nuthatch at our backyard bird feeder.
Taken with 600 mm zoom lens.
Aperture Priority, f/4.0, 1/250 sec ISO 200, 591 mm zoom
I was out for a walk on a sunny afternoon at South Glenmore park. The moon was out so I tried some moon photos in daylight.
AP, f/4.0, 1/3200 sec, ISO 100, 573 mm zoom
Used the levels tool in Photoshop elements to adjust the colours and the eyedroper on the clouds.
I thought that the effect was interesting.
Here’s a tight crop of the same photo.
Across the river from Edworthy Park in December
this is from a poor photo of a grizzly bear walking across the highway in Waterton. I did lots of post processing in photoshop and ended up with this.