This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
this photo was taken at the Bowness crit. I think it is a composite of 2 but cannot remember the details .
Love the composite effect.
Thank you , Henri
this first photo is from last week
this is a different angle on a clock tower in downtown Edmonton
I never could have guessed what that was, very mysterious!
This was supposed to be for Time but it all happens too fast. I tried to make crystals appear on ice bubbles. Using a straw and the formula online, I got a mouth full of sugary soap and succeeded in making bubbles, but they froze without forming crystals. So I made a wire loop and tried it that way with the red porch cushion as a background since they didn’t show up at all on the snow. Taken with my iPhone because it’s easy to take a photo with one hand while my other hand is holding the wire loop. The crystals form in less than five seconds when it’s 23 below.
Early morning light on the foothills, taken in a moving bus with my phone.
Early morning light on Mt.Rundle, taken in a moving bus with my phone
Vehicle tracks on Lake Winderemere, converted to B&W.
One of my favorite sunset pictures from Maui. Two boys enjoying fishing as the sun sets.
Used the landscape, low light feature – F9, 1/160 sec. ISO 100