2024-05-07 Photographers Choice

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23 Responses to 2024-05-07 Photographers Choice

  1. Henri says:

    Northern Lights last night at about midnight. 24 mm lens, 10 sec, f/13, ISO 3200. Denoised in Photoshop Camera Raw, Exposure and Contrast adjusted, Vibrance added and Histogram adjusted with levels tool.

  2. Henri says:

    More Northern Lights – Looking straight up. 10 sec, f/13, ISO 3200. Denoised in Photoshop Camera Raw, Histogram adjusted with levels tool. Vibrance and Contrast added.

    • Joe Horler says:

      A beautiful series of images Henri. I liked the mountains being added as it created a story for the beautiful lights.

  3. Paul Fesko says:

    Semipalmated Plover in Fish Creek Park.
    1/4000 s, f7.1, ISO 800
    Shot at 500 mm using a 100-500mm lens. Depth of field calculation shows that at the distance the bird was, (~20m) the area in focus would be 19.67m to 20.34m, a total of 0.67m. You can see that in the rocks in the foreground.
    Edited in LR, Sharpened in Topaz Photo AI.

  4. Ron says:

    Windermere osprey on power pole enjoying a fish dinner. ISO 100, f/9, 1/500. Adjustments and cropping in Apple Photos and GIMP.

  5. Ron says:

    Dinner interrupted by a pedestrian below, so moving on to a new location to finish the meal in privacy. ISO 100, f/11, 1/500. Adjustments and cropping in Apple Photos and GIMP, including cloning out power pole and trees at the right side of the image.

  6. Fred Schwering says:

    The Canada Geese were squabbling for territory at Bebo Grove in Fish Creek Park.
    AP, f/4.0, 1/1000 sec, ISO 100, FL 600 mm.
    Cropped and edited in Photoshop Elements.

  7. Karen Sandra McDaniel says:

    One of my favorite pictures of a Savannah Sparrow taken at Ralph Klein Park. I used Topaz Sharpen AI to sharpen the bird since it was quite windy out. Settings: F11, S 1/1000, ISO 1000, Auto SB, CW Metering. Shot at Focal Length 600m

  8. Beth says:

    Picture taken through porthole on a canal boat. Shot with a small Olympus camera at f/2.8, 1/500 sec, ISO 50

  9. Beth says:

    Taken through a window and door in Arizona. Shot at f/5.6, 1/900 sec, ISO 100

  10. Frankie says:

    Back in 2015 in Belize in a small town in the jungle. One of my first wildlife shots, a 4′ long iguana. Not too hard since he was just sitting there, but I got lucky with the natural framing. Canon PowerShot S100. This was the digital point and shoot my photographer friends and I used for a few years while transitioning from film and waiting for the DSLR prices to come down. I hated that thing. It had to “wake up” and I missed so many shots.
    ISO 400, 68 mm, f/18, 1/250

  11. Dwight says:

    not a frame but I loved the texture of this old park bench I found in the middle of 6 evergreens.

  12. Dwight says:

    5 years ago we rented an RV to see if it would be a way of travel for us. I rented a spot at Dinosaur Provincial Park. This was from our spot as the sun sets cottonwoods framing a distant butte.

  13. Joe Horler says:

    As I saidi in the Challenge, we travelled to Cannes to see our son and his family. Jet lagged we wee eup before 6am on May 5th and went with tripods in hand to the rooftop of our hotel overlooking Cannes Bay. What a reward to watch the sunrise sweep across the bay.
    Fuji XT-5 ISO 640. F 7/ SS@1/100 on tripod, Focal length 23mm lens

  14. Joe Horler says:

    The second image some 20 minutes later captued the far off storm raining on the far coast and a beautiful rainbow.
    Fuji XT-5 w 23mm lends. ISO 500/ F 14/ SS@ 1/60second on tripod.

  15. tony campos says:

    From my archives a couple of framed landscapes
    This is in Kananaskis, Mt.Tyrwitt (converted from a slide)

  16. tony campos says:

    In the castle of Belmonte, Portugal
    f/3.3, 1/160, iso160

  17. Debbie McCluskey says:

    These are International Marine signal flags framed through the window at Lobster Core Lighthouse, at Gros Morne National park in NFLD. Each flag has a meaning for example, the yellow with the black circle means “I am directing my course to port.” The flags are changed each day and there was a chart that we had to use to figure out what the flags meant. This was taken at F9, exp -7, ISO 100, 1/640 speed.

  18. nick says:

    Shot of restaurant through its street-side window and reflecting street scene in both water glasses and window pane

  19. Robert says:

    Shore bird 1 at frank Lake
    Nikon D3500
    F8 1/500 ISO 110
    70-300mm lens

  20. Robert says:

    Shore bird 2 at frank Lake maybe same bird??
    Nikon D3500
    F8 1/500 ISO 180
    70-300mm lens

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