This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
heron which has swallowed the vole ISO 800 1/160 320mm f6.3
Amazing – Can’t imagine swallowing something like that whole.
Peony taken at the Zoo gardens around the conservatory. I only had my 100 – 500 mm zoom with me. I got as close as possible, which for this lens is about 1 meter at 100 mm zoom. The depth of field calculator shows 3 cm of sharpness, which is just enough for the yellow stamens. I did enhance the blur effect for the front petals in Photoshop by using gaussian blur filter and masking the stamens.
This image was also taken at the Zoo. I was in pursuit of a sparkling bokeh background with a sharp foreground subject. This is surprisingly difficult! This is my best attempt for this mid-morning photoshoot.
a photo taken with a long lens caused the blurring of the background ISO 8900 400mm f5.6 1/1600
Flower on a cactus plant with blurred background, taken in Athens a few weeks ago. iSO 100, f/7.1, 1/1000.
Sheep’s skull on a fence post with blurred background, taken in Crete a few weeks ago. iSO 100, f/6.3, 1/600.
This photo was shot about 9:00 PM on July 10. F/13, 1/100 sec., ISO400 at 190 mm
This photo was shot at dusk sometime after 7:00 PM in mid-August. It is part of the Japanese garden of Montreal’s Botanical Garden. Bit of a story behind it. Place closed at 5:00 PM. I kept wondering around shooting photos, half expecting some security fellow to come over to shoo me out. But no. Then right after this shot it occurred to me that since there apparently were no security personnel making rounds, I may just be locked in for the night!. Whew! Gate opened out. f/2.8, 1/60 sec. ISO 400. Brightened up in Lightroom.
Went to Glenmore Athletic Park to see if the Osprey were still on the nest. This is the female giving me the evil eye and was quite vocal if I got too close. Shot with my 70-300 mm lens with 1.4X extender at f/8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 250.
The male Osprey was guarding his catch and not moving from his perch. Had to shoot into the sun so picture is a little washed out. Shot with my 70-300 lens with a 1.4X extender at F/8, 1/500 sec, ISO 250
these are from the last challenge I cropped the first one to give the explosion effect.
These were taken by slowing iso down to 80 ND filter 3.5 fstop 1-second burn.
The same technique as the first honeysuckle plant in the yard. Post editing I desaturated the green leaves and left the blooms.
Tarn on Harvey Pass (taken with samsung phone)
Himalayan poppies f4.8 1/250 105mm 1/200
Took my camera along to the Stampede. This is my gang on the water coaster. I much prefer having the camera in my hand.
1/3200sec @f7.1, ISO500
143mm using at 70-200mm lens. Cropped in.
Edited in Lightroom
Making eye contact with the osprey while it has a mouthful of fish. I’d hate to be a fish in The Bow River. Picture taken at Lafarge Meadows in Fish Creek Park.
1/2000 sec @f6.3, ISO400
451 mm with RF100-500mm lens on Canon R5
Cropped and Edited in Lightroom
Sharpened in Topaz Photo AI