2023-05-02 Photographers Choice

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18 Responses to 2023-05-02 Photographers Choice

della says:
2023-05-07 at 12:10 am
heron catching fish ISO 1000 400mm f7,11/2000

Della 朱世芸 Ho says:
2023-05-07 at 12:11 am
success ISO 1000 400mm f7.1 1/2500

Paul Fesko says:
2023-05-10 at 12:45 pm
I was in Italy for the past two weeks and had a chance to visit the Spanish Steps in Rome after sunset. It was still quite crowded on a beautiful spring evening. I had a 14-35mm lens on my camera and shot this at 20mm. Camera settings were 1/50s, f4.5, ISO 1600. The picture had some noise in it so I used Topaz DeNoise and then edited it in Lightroom. My editing focus was some lightening of the people in the foreground, and straightening the vertical lines and horizon.

Paul Fesko says:
2023-05-10 at 5:41 pm
A second image from Italy. Picture of the Tyrrhenian Sea coastline near Positano, taken from our boat .

1/1000 s, f 5.6, ISO 100. Taken with a 50mm lens. Edited in Lightroom. Image was cropped in to 4×5 and exported.

Frankie says:
2023-05-11 at 1:23 pm
I just returned from celebrating my daughter’s 40th birthday in London. (Coincided with the coronation. I got lots of photos of the people staking out their spots in tents along the Mall the day before the big event.) We always spend a couple of nights at the seaside when I’m there and this time we chose Deal, Kent, a pretty town where the houses are painted in various pastel shades.

This is taken from the pier in the early evening. ISO 400, 50 mm, f/11, 1/320

Frankie says:
2023-05-11 at 1:39 pm
Tributes for the coronation were everywhere, from British flag buntings across the streets to creative displays in the windows of shops and houses. I was lining up a shot from the beach, fully zoomed, of this elaborate crocheted crown on a tasselled pillow when the postman showed up to collect the mail. This provided more interest, not to mention scale, as the post boxes come in various sizes – this one looks much smaller in the photo with no person in it.
ISO 400, 400 mm, f/6.3, 1/400 sec

Henri says:
2023-05-13 at 7:43 pm
Perfect day landscape. Glenbow Ranch – Tiger Lily Loop. Taken with my smartphone.

Henri says:
2023-05-18 at 10:06 pm
Test upload after panorama merge and content aware fill with Photoshop.

Judi Dixon says:
2023-05-14 at 2:57 pm
Landscape – Raven River near Caroline Alberta. SS 1/3200 F 5.6 ISO 200

Judi Dixon says:
2023-05-14 at 3:01 pm
Raven River Mist in B&W – later in the day. SS 1/125 f 3.2 ISO 200

Shannon says:
2023-05-14 at 7:47 pm
Glenbow Provincial Park (Glenbow Ranch) – ISO 2000, 140 mm, f/13, 1/2000. Editing in LR – Cropped, increased highlights and exposure.

Shannon says:
2023-05-14 at 7:53 pm
Glenbow Ranch Gopher (Richardson Ground Squirrel) – ISO 2000, 200 mm, f/14, 1/2500 sec. Edited in LR – increased clarity and shadows.

Beth says:
2023-05-15 at 11:57 pm
More practice with my long lens at Inglewood bird sanctuary. I don’t know what kind of bird this is but he looked so regal standing guard on the beach. Shot with my 100-400 lens with 1.4 x extender.

Fred Schwering says:
2023-05-16 at 12:48 am
Beth, I think that this is a cormorant

Beth says:
2023-05-16 at 12:05 am
Colours of spring down the river valley towards downtown. Shot from River Park with my 16mm lens at f/16, 1/180 sec, ISO 250.

Fred Schwering says:
2023-05-16 at 4:56 pm
City view from Nose Hill. It was a cloudy overcast day so the downtown building were all blue-grey.
Aperture Priority, Spot Metering,
f/8, 1/320 sec, ISO 100, 46 mm fl,
cropped to 16×9

Fred Schwering says:
2023-05-16 at 5:01 pm
This shot of a trail through an Aspen grove was the same day.
Aperture Priority, Spot Metering,
f/5, 1/200 sec, ISO 100, 28 mm fl

Bill Stilwell says:
2023-05-16 at 6:18 pm
We are shocked by the robins who decided to build a nest less than 2m from the corner of our home.
Not much to say except the exposure problem was extreme with direct sunlight on some of the nearby branches and the nest being quite dark due to an overhanging set of branches about 15 cm above the bird.
Today’s air quality being at 10 or extremely poor I fell for all forms of life that use lungs.
ISO 2500, ss 1/50 s, f 25. Hand held over my head.

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