The challenge theme for the next two weeks is “Colour”. I encourage you to view two online lectures by Alex Kilbee, one on Intuitive Composition and one on the colour photography and compositions of Pete Turner. This photographer stands out for his post processing colour enhancements and strong powerful compositions. It is an example of taking good pictures and then spending time post processing the image to bring out “Colour”.
This assignment is to go out and find something colourful, especially if there are contrasting colours nearby. If there are no other colours, find darker surfaces that contrast with the colour of the object you are trying to photograph. You can stage your photograph if you like.
To start this challenge, I am showing a screenshot of a well exposed image that can be enhanced in Photoshop to bring out much stronger colour. I have done this here with the Levels tool, by clipping the extreme parts of the histogram and giving preference to the darker colours by moving the centre slider to the right. Other adjustments can be made with other tools. Experiment with your images and enhance the colours of your photographs.
Remember to upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.

I took this shot at the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, standing in the lobby looking up at the ceiling. I liked the reflections on the mirror panels of the walls and the ceiling colour caught my eye. Post-processing using Photoshop Elements:
– Straightened the photo and then used the perspective crop tool to make it more symmetrical. Lightened using adjust shadows and then increased the saturation to bring up the copper colour and reflections.
Taken with my Pixel cell phone.
f/1.8, 1/450 sec, ISO 52, 27 mm
Here is the original photo
Wow, I love the symmetry and colours and reflections of the finished image Fred. Thanks for including the original, it shows what post processing can do.
the pow wow is full of vibrant colours. ISO 10000 185mm f5.6 /6000
the lighting was not ideal
Beautiful colour. Love what you have done desaturating and darkening the background to bring attention to the subject and the colourful clothing.
In camera double exposure of the Pow Wow at the Stampede.
1/1250s, f4.0, ISO 500. Sharpened in AI Sharpen and cropped in Lightroom.
Love the colour, love the composition
From our walk on Nosehill yesterday. Looking for colour, then enhancing it in Photoshop.
Focus stacked from seven images. Enhanced in photoshop with the levels tool and colour channels.
Local street scene taken at a distance with my 300 mm telephoto. I like the resultant foreshortening, which also makes me wonder if this might be a fun future photo challenge? ISO 100, f/14, 1/100. Minor enhancements in Apple Photos and GIMP.
Another example of foreshortening using a long lens, taken in the same area. ISO 100, f/14, 1/160. Minor enhancements in Apple Photos and GIMP.
Kayaks in Glenmore reservoir. I replaced the distracting background in Gimp.
Panasonic TS3, f/5.3, 1/320, iso100
The wild flowers near Healy Pass were amazing. Was hard to choose a photo …
Panasonic TS3, f/3.3, 1/160, iso100
Gorgeous colours!
Colourful delphinium plant in my back garden.
f/3.5, 1/200 sec. ISO 100
Beautiful detail. Just the right amount of DOF.
I noticed this splash of colour on our “Water Valley” walk today. I liked the contrast between the red of the sign and the blue sky with the white wispy clouds. I tried to balance the very dominant sign with the somewhat large bush on the left.
Taken with my 100-500mm lens in Waterton. 1/2000s, f6.3, ISO400. Edited in Lightroom and sharpened with Topaz Sharpen software.
Canola and thunder clouds. Alberta colors. Taken with my 18-55 mm lens at f/4, 1/2000 sec, ISO 250.
Flowers photographed at Calaway Park. Liked how the blue wall behind the flowers made the yellow pop. Taken with my 18-55 lens at f/10, 1/180 sec, ISO 250
Motor cross
ISO 160 105mm f7.1 1/1200
I saw this graffiti in Bragg Creek and loved the colours and feathers. However, I just had my phone with me and I don’t know how to take the shadows out. I cropped it to remove the grass at the bottom.
I would be grateful if someone could take the shadows out. Thanks.
It was quite easy to remove the shadows. I brought a screen snap of your image into Photoshop and used the AI Tool. I selected the shadowed area and wrote in the text box (remove shadows). I straightened the vertical and horizontal mortar lined and exported.
Thank you so much, Paul. It looks great!
Taken just over the Yukon border from Alaska. There are many gorges in the mountains with bridges over them. We were lucky enough to be there when the White Rail was passing. I really liked the contrast between the train engine and the foliage. Photo is cropped. Shot in AP, 400mm, F8, S 1/800, ISO 1000, Auto WB, CW Metering.