2023-12-12 Photographers Choice

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40 Responses to 2023-12-12 Photographers Choice

  1. Paul Fesko says:

    It was my grandson’s turn to be goalie this week. Despite the fact he could he hardly move in the goalie pads he did quite well.

    1/1250s, f2.8, ISO 1250. This picture is about 80 percent of the original RAWW file. I used AWB but checked it by using the eyedropper in LR. I denoised the image, adjusted the shadows, hilites etc and then sharpened using Topaz Photo AI.

    I had checked into settings for hockey and most suggest shooting wide open with your lens with a shutter speed over 1000s. This requires a high ISO inside an arena. Lightroom did a good job in removing the noise from the high ISO.

  2. della says:

    having fun with AI with the polar bear photo
    ISO 500 112mm f4.8 1/4000

  3. della says:

    original image

  4. della says:

    another attempt , replace the background with one of my own sky

  5. Paul Fesko says:

    I was driving home from Bridgeland and saw how perfect downtown looked. I headed over to Scotsman Hill for this quick shot. 1/25 s, f2.8, ISO 2500. Shot at 105mm with a 24-105mm f2.8L IS lens on a Canon R5

    I saw a technique in a photo magazine that played with the bokeh of the image. I brought this into Photoshop, duplicated the layer then applied a Filter – Other-Maximum. I used blend modes to get this image. Edited in LR after the blend and the sharpened in Photo AI.

    • della says:

      Very nice image! Paul, What is the effect of the special filter ?

      • Paul Fesko says:

        I keep trying to understand all the filters in Photoshop. I saw this technique is a photo magazine. Shoot the scene wide open and then use the maximum filter on a duplicate layer. The maximum filter replaces the current pixel’s brightness value with the highest or lowest brightness value of the surrounding pixels. The maximum filter has the effect of applying a choke—spreading out white areas and choking in black areas. If you are using the filter and slide it far to the right it creates almost a bokeh effect.

      • Nick says:

        Nice and interesting shot. Looks to be very interesting technique. Hmmm! Perhaps I should suck it up and invest some time getting more familiar with Photoshop and particularly, filters.

  6. Henri says:

    Sunrise this morning. Taken with my smartphone in pro mode. Dialed down the exposure to get this red sunrise.

  7. Frankie says:

    Ceramics on one of the buildings at the Guga S’Thebe Arts & Cultural Centre in Langa Township, Cape Town, South Africa. With a mandate of making arts and culture accessible to all, the centre features a theatre space, pottery workshop, mosaics studio, drumming and more (I had a bongo drumming lesson – fun and embarrassing!).
    ISO 800, 40 mm, f/7.1, 1/2500

    • Henri says:

      Really colourful. I like the abstract quality of this picture. The large fields of yellow and blue. The read jacket really stands out and draws the eye.

  8. Nick says:

    Woke up at 5:30 this morning. Remembered we talked about shooting downtown sunrise/sunset from pedestrian bridge over the LRT on Bow Trail (26 ST SW). So off I went to do that. No clouds over to the east so just typical sunrise. But did get this shot. Shot at f/22, 25 sec., 70 mm and ISO 160. However it s greatly enhanced in LR having adjusted exposure, contrast, clarity, shadows and, saturation for six individual colours. The blue and green lines is the LRT train going toward downtown. I was hoping to get trains going in opposite directions synchronized to meet at shooting point as well as vehicles in both directions…need too much luck to get that type of synchronization. If you go shoot there, to get uninterrupted lines you will need a minimum shutter speed of 20 seconds for trains going toward downtown and 25 seconds going in the opposite direction.

  9. Nick says:

    My favourite lens? It is the one that cost me the least, Nikon 50 mm 1.8. I do not use it nearly often enough because it is a fixed lens and I have gotten too lazy (and old and crotchety) to lug around a bag full of stuff. It shoots beautiful pictures as this photo attests. It is an archive photo. A friend asked me to shoot her daughter’s wedding. BTW this is one photo I went the opposite of sharpening, increased luminance, to soften and smooth out skin complexion. Also, shot at 1/50 sec holding as steady as I could to avoid using flash.

    • Paul Fesko says:

      Great candid wedding photo. I think with some of the new masking tools it would be quite easy to enhance the white in the bride’s eyes and contrast in her hair.

  10. tony campos says:

    Lake Minnewanka
    taken with a cell phone

  11. tony campos says:

    Winter wonderland in Lake Louise
    f/3.1, 1/125, iso100

  12. Henri says:

    My wife made this lovely Tuxedo coat to ring in the new year. Taken with my smartphone and enhanced in Photoshop AI, altering the distracting background.

  13. Ron says:

    Lake Windermere shoreline ice patterns. Taken with iPhone, ISO 40, f/2.2, 1/120. Basic adjustments in Apple Photos, sharpening in GIMP.

  14. Ron says:

    Golden Hour on Nose Hill. Taken with iPhone, ISO 25, f/2.2, 1/271. Basic adjustments in Apple Photos, sharpening in GIMP.

  15. Debbie McCluskey says:

    My husband and I were predicting when the amaryllis would open and we both lost – it bloomed January 2nd. The sun is at a perfect angle about 330 pm. This is with my cell phone, using the “pro” feature which gave me the setting of F 1.8 1/500 sec and ISO 40. It also gave me an option of doing a grey blurred background, which gave it a “high” key image.

  16. Fred Schwering says:

    Winter sunrise against the snow. I like the new moon showing in the sky.
    Taken with my Pixel phone.
    f/1.7, 1/35 sec, ISO 20.
    Edited using Photoshop Elements:
    Cropped to 16×9, haze removal to darken the sky, increase saturation of red, yellow and magenta.

  17. Dwight says:

    these are two pictures taken on our trip east this one is Peggys Cove I dehazed and sharpened and replaced the sky as it was a dull day.

  18. Dwight says:

    this old train station in Cleveland is in a more seedy part of town. I removed power lines barricades and part of my truck mirror, sharpened.

  19. Joe Horler says:

    On Dec 26th with the prospect of capturing the Cold Moon I set up my tripod and FujiXT-5 and a 150-600mm lens at RiverPark in hope of capturing the Moon over downtown. I feared it would rise south of downtown and that is what happened, so only one building for reference in the photo.
    First image, an in camera Fuji Monochrome jpeg with the R-filter to increase contrast.
    ISO 64/F 8.0/SS@1/50. Further processed in Luminar NEO

  20. Joe Horler says:

    Second image about 5 onuses later in full golden hour. RAW file processed in Luminar, same setting as first image.

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