2024-01-16 Photographers Choice

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13 Responses to 2024-01-16 Photographers Choice

  1. Dwight says:

    these are two pictures I took back in 2009. My boss came to me and said there were some interesting snow waves by the airport so I went and took them. I removed the background and coloured it to emphasize the snow more.

  2. Dwight says:

    number 2

  3. Ron says:

    Back yard hops in winter. ISO 3200, f/14, 1/500. Minor light adjustments in Apple Photos, sharpening in GIMP.

  4. Ron says:

    Back yard Karl Foerster grasses in winter. ISO 1600, f/14, 1/500. Minor light adjustments in Apple Photos, sharpening in GIMP.

  5. Fred Schwering says:

    I went for a walk with the CALL Tuesday walking group. The route took us along the Elbow River from Sandy Beach to Rideau Park. I took this photo from the Elbow River Suspension Bridge looking north towards downtown.

  6. Fred Schwering says:

    I was at the zoo with my grandkids on Friday. They wanted to see the polar bears. They were entertaining but no photo opps. I did manage to catch some photos of a femail moose. The snow background make for an interesting effect.

  7. Ken Robertson says:

    Went to Waterton National Park this Weekend. Took this picture in very unfavourable conditions. Settings were F7.1, ISO 100, and 1/25.

  8. Frankie Thornhill says:

    I’m not sure if this display on the butcher counter in the Lamda grocery store is always there or if it was set up for the Chinese New Year. I like the jumble of colour and texture.
    ISO 800, 40 mm, f/3.5, 1/160 sec

  9. Debbie McCluskey says:

    This picture is from January 2023 after several days of fog and hoar frost. I did not have a polar lens on so I dropped the exposure by 1/3 stop. This is with my Rebel T5i, F22, 1/50 sec, ISO 200.

  10. sue says:

    Lower falls in Johnson Canyon. Taken with my iphone

  11. sue says:

    Lake O’Hara snowshoe. Taken with my iphone

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