2024-02-27 Photographers Choice

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15 Responses to 2024-02-27 Photographers Choice

  1. Frankie Thornhill says:

    Symmetry from my archives. Lucky shot in Kruger Park in November. I cropped out the baby giraffe.
    ISO 800, 209 mm, f/10, 1/800 sec

  2. Dwight says:

    these two pictures are from our trip to Italy in 2015 the first is in St Mark’s Square in Venice I removed the people and left the pigeons.

  3. Dwight says:

    this second was from a Da Vinci exhibit in Rome ” who’s the real Dwight”

  4. della says:

    symmetry from Frank Lake ISO 100 f7,1 400mm 1/1250

  5. Della 朱世芸 Ho says:

    another one from Frank LakeISO 140 f5.6 1/640 400mm

  6. Pierre D says:

    Spanish old and new reflected.

  7. tony campos says:

    Taken years ago in New Zealand.
    f/3.3, 1/250, iso640

  8. tony campos says:

    Used Gimp’s perspective tool to straighten the columns (as shot from a fair distance below)
    f/3.3, 1/25, iso400

  9. Nick says:

    f/2.8, 1/80 sec., ISO 500 Adjusted in Light Room

  10. Nick says:

    Art in front of greenhouse at Calgary zoo. Cropped photo.

  11. Bill Stilwell says:

    How long could I wait after noticing this flag was held straight out by the gusty winds?
    By the time I circled back on my bike and after waiting at least 5 minutes for a repeat performance by the wind, I shot this and entitled it ” Anticipating symmetry “

  12. Beth says:

    One of my favorite symmetry pictures from Portugal. Shot at f/3.3, 1/320 sec, ISO 80

  13. Shannon says:

    Photo taken in one of the SAIT Buildings several years ago. 100mm, 1/5 sec at f/11, Iso 100. Cropped in LR.

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