Shoot through something, or try to use foreground framing techniques. I thought Tony’s image taken at the SAIT campus was a great example. The objective is to think about subtle foreground as well as subject. The foreground frame does not have to be something static. For example it could be two people on either side of the frame while something interesting is going on in the centre. Or dark shadows framing an interesting object lit by a light source.

the yellow headed blackbird was framed by some dry branches ISO 1000 f14 400mm
Framing the Northern Lights around midnight May 10 – 11. Looking up between our backyard arbour and the garage I thought this gives a good sense of the scale of the phonomenon. 10 sec, f/13, ISO 3200. Taken with a 24 mm lens. The arbour was lit by a backlane light. Histogram adjusted, Vibrance and Denoise added.
Cropped – enhanced for a better composition.
Red Winged Blackbird framed by branches.
1/2500 s, f7.1, ISO 100
Edited in Lightroom
Sharpened in Topaz Photo AI
Mule Deer framed by trees. Fish Creek Park.
AP, f/3.5, 1/250 sec, ISO 100, 88 mm
Edited in Photo Gallery
There were 4 Mule Deer lying down in the aspen grove.
I like this shot even though it’s eyes are closed.
AP, f/4.0, 1/250 sec, ISO 100, 412 mm
Cropped in Photo Gallery, edited in PhotoShop Elements
Cricket in Riley Park framed by spruce branches.
ISO 640, 40 mm, f/6.3, 1/2500 sec
Flowers in a Frame. Shot with 18-55 mm lens at f/4.5, 1/2000 sec, ISO 500
Framed Landscape Image – Take with Apple iphone. Rimrock Hotel in Banff, Alberta.
10 St. underpass in Confederation Park. ISO 100, f/9, 1/80. Adjustments in Apple Photos (including adding a slight vignette), sharpening in GIMP.
I was at Elliston Pond the other day and walked east to the wetlands. There I saw this Yellow-headed Blackbird sitting between two cattails. However, the right cattail was too far away to make a nice border. So I used InfranView64 to take out some of the space between the bird and the right cattail to make a more symmetrical border. Settings: F9, S1/1000, ISO 1000, Auto WB, CW Metering.
Framed Lily shot with 18-55mm lens at f/3.2, 1/200 sec, ISO 500
Diana and I wer in the south of France in early May for a family vacation. On the trip we stayed in Cannes and visited Monaco and Grasse. Our walk about Monte Carlo on May 6th saw us end up in the famous courtyard in from of the iconic Casio of Monte Carlo on an overcast afternoon. There is a wonderful golden ball in the courtyard and I captured this image which shows the Casion (and people) in reflection.
Fuji XT-5 handheld ISO 500/ F 9′ SS@1/2000 sec . In camera Monochrome B&W
Lens a 23 mme prime (35mm FF)
My second submission is from the beautiful town of Grasse — La Parfumerie capital of world. In Grasse we toured the Fragonard Parfumerie which was featuring a Lilac Festival of offerings. The adjacent area (under Fragonard control) was festooned with pink umbrellas strung above the street. I captured this “in the frame of a narrow street” image showing the umbrellas and reflection on the street.
Fuji XT-5/ ISO 1000/ F 14/ SS@1/250sec/ Handheld 23,, prime lens.
walking the dog in Beddington Park at the west end just before 14th street there is a beautiful erratic sitting in a bowl where the buffalo have rubbed, surrounded by saskatoon bushes I tried to frame the rock with the bushes.
Deer framed by trees
f/1.8, 1/120,iso40
Frog in a burrow
f/6.3, 1/60, iso2200
A bit difficult to use the camera this week with my cataract surgery and windy conditions. I was trying to frame Piper Creek with the flood abatement rocks and the new bridge being built. I would like to try this again with my camera, from a different angle. Taken with my cell phone.
Tried out my camera this morning and my macro lens. This is a bit artsy but I liked how the colors of the tulip frame the stamen. F5, 1/320 sec ISO 200.
There’s a Story Here…… on the grass at Carburn Park last Friday
Framed by the tree and ground
Nikon720 D3500 f18 1/125 iso 720
Porcupine at Carburn Park
Nikon D3500 f18 1/500 iso 1600
cropped, removed couple of blades of grass using content aware in Photoshop
tweaked shadows to show left eye of pocupine.
Stephen Ave. ‘trees’. I recall when they were installed. It was promoted as a confluence of art and function. The structures also moderate the wind through the area. Post-production work done in lightroom
Shot of deck through glass while lightly raining.