This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
This is the page to post images that you would like to discuss that don’t adhere to the challenge theme. Upload images no larger than 1600 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high.
Looking down into the ocean from a floating dock in Haida Gwaii. I like the bright colours and the abstract nature of this image. Taken with iPhone camera.
“Fried Egg Jellyfish” taken from same floating dock, but with my SLR and 300 mm telephoto lens. ISO 3200. f/22, 1/60.
Definitely looks like a fried egg.
This house in Didsbury with a partial boomtown front caught my eye after the rodeo. I wonder what the story is with the two lot numbers.
ISO 3200, 24 mm, f/16, 1/3200 sec (oops, rodeo settings, except for focal length)
Unbeknownst to me, my daughter took this from the car with her phone. My version of cloning unwanted items out of the shot! Two black bins in front of the house were ruining the symmetry, so I moved them out of the way and put them back after.
Wow, the colour! I wonder how old this building is. Also the jut-outs are strange.
Zoo conservatory – Interesting cones.
Here is my second contribution, moved from the “details” category.
Sunset on the Glenmore Reservoir – Sept 6, 2024
1/4000 s, f8.0, ISO 400
Edited in LR – Sharpened in Topaz Photo AI